The Innovation School
ESAT, acronym of Escuela Superior de Arte y Tecnología, makes reference to the School of Art and Technology that you may find in the city of Valencia, right in the historic heart of the city, placed in a beautiful and unique building , next to Cortes Valencianas and Plaza de la Virgen.
ESAT focuses all its activity on training area, with a large offer of studies including Art & Design (Graphic Design 3.0, Fine Arts 3.0), Videogames Programming and Computer Game Animation, as high level studies.
ESAT represents also a School of creative research and professional learning, which joins the tradition of art and design teaching, together with computer science.
ESAT focuses on training in artistic and technological areas. Its distinctive feature invokes a high level training and our students’ progress towards a Bachelor at the most prestigious universities, in UK, Canada and USA.
ESAT covers three distinctive training areas: higher training in Computer Science and Design, particular training for companies and specialized Postgraduate Courses.